Eric A. Stern
President, Sediment Management
Eric is a Founding Partner and the President of Strategic Operations and Sediment Management for TPRG. Eric has over three decades of sediment management experience having spent nearly 25 years in the US Government, both with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New York District and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2.
At EPA, Eric served as the Regional Contaminated Sediment Program Manager / Oceanographer where he directed the New York-New Jersey Harbor Sediment Decontamination Program. The program was charged to demonstrate the environmental and economic feasibility of decontaminating dredged materials and contaminated sediments applying innovative ex-situ technologies that manufactured beneficial use end products on a commercial-scale level. This Program has seeded technical transfer nationally and globally to other ports/regions with contaminated sediment challenges; Puget Sound, Port of Seattle/Washington, Port of Baltimore, Port of Bridgeport/Connecticut, Portland Harbor/ Oregon, Port of Hamburg, Hong Kong Harbor, Shanghai, Latvia, Norway, Cracow Poland, and the Port of Venice Italy. In addition, Eric’s experience has been connected closely with EPA Superfund and other EPA Regions nationally as well as USACE Districts on contaminated sediment projects.
Prior to the launch of TPRG in 2016, Eric was a Research Leader in Sediment Management for the Battelle Memorial Institute. Eric led the development and implementation of their Integrated Sediment Management Practice and growth strategy with a focus on sustainable innovative cross-program applications. Eric was the Co-Chair of the Battelle 7th International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments in February 2013 in Dallas, Texas USA. Eric also was the Program Director for Environmental Resource Management (ERM) start-up in their Sediment and Watershed integrated Management (SWiM) Practice.
Eric is an active member of the European Union Sediment Network Research (SedNet) Group and was a participant and contributor to the SedNet Treatment Remediation Workgroup. He presently participates in the SedNet Sediment Circular Economy Workgroup. He is a member of the Central European Dredging Association (CEDA) Beneficial Use Workgroup and is a contributor to the Position Paper on Assessing the Benefits of Using Contaminated Sediments (PDF) which was published in 2019.
He is a keynote and invited speaker on a global venue in the subject area of Integrated Sediment Management and the application of innovative/sustainable treatment processes.
Eric has an appointment at Montclair State University, Montclair (MSU), New Jersey as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Science and Mathematics and works closely within the Graduate Department of Earth and Environmental Studies, and the Doctoral Program in Environmental Management. He was Co-Chair of the Passaic River Institute Steering Committee and is presently a collaborator with the MSU Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center.
Eric A. Stern Publications
- Singh, S. K and E. A. Stern (2017). Global Arsenic Contamination: Living with the Nectar Poison – A Commentary. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. Vol. 59, Issue 2, March/April 2017.
- Beckstrom, B.D., Leavitt, D. R., Mensinger, M., Hendricks, A., R. Fabricant, E. Peck and E A. Stern (2014). Thermal Treatment for Reclamation of and Beneficial Use of Sediments. (Proceedings) 33rd International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies & Hazardous Waste Combustors – October 13-15, 2014. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Isard, P. and Stern, E. A. (2014). Hydrolyser Application and Development of a Pellet Engineered Fuel for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Italy. Proceedings: 5th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste – Venice 2014. November 17-20, 2014. Venice, Italy.
- Stern, E. A. and E. Peck. (2012). Integrated Approaches to Global Sustainable Sediment Management – The Paradox of Having It All. International Conference on the 4th Nordic Joint Meeting on the Remediation of Contaminated Sites. Oslo, NORWAY. September 19-20, 2012. (short paper).
- Kollikkathara, N., Feng, H., and Stern, E. A. (2009). A Purview of Waste Management Evolution: Special Emphasis on the USA. Waste Management 29 (2009) 974-985.
- Stern, E. A. (2007). Thermal Treatment and Washing Extraction. In: Sustainable Management of Sediment Resources: Sediment and Dredged Material Treatment – Volume 2. G. Bortone and L. Palumbo (eds.) Chapter 4: Description of the Available Technologies for Treatment and Disposal of Dredged Materials. Published by EU SedNet. Elsevier Press.
- Stern, E. A., Douglas, W. S., Jones, K. W., and H. Feng. (2006). A Proposal for Innovative Sediment Decontamination Technologies Using a Cross Program – Cross Media Business Model. In: Proceedings of WEDA XXVI & TAMU 38 / Dredging: Creating a Strong Economy. June 24-27, 2006. San Diego, California.
- Stern, E. A., Jones, K. W., Douglas, W. S., and H. Feng. (2006). Innovative Sediment Decontamination Technologies for Navigational and Environmental Restoration in New York / New Jersey Harbor, USA. In: Proceedings of Innovative Approaches to the Management and Physical & Chemical Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. University of Genoa, ITALY. Sponsored by The Interuniversity Consortium INCA, Venezia, September 8-10, 2005. University of Genoa, and the University of Bologna.
- Jones, K. W., Feng, H., Stern, E. A., Neuhausler, U., Osan, J., Marinkovic, N., and Z. Song (2006). Properties of New York/New Jersey Harbor Sediments. Acta Physica Polonica A, 109, 279-286.
- Feng, H., V. Onwueme, Jaslanek, W. J., Stern, E. A., and K. W. Jones (2005). Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) to the Lower Passaic River Sediment Pollution Study, New Jersey, USA. In: Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change: Science, Exposures, Policies, and Technologies. (eds. H. Feng, L. Yu and W. Solecki) pp. 275-282. Science Press USA Inc., Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, USA.
- Onwueme, V., Feng, H., Chopping, C., Jaslanek, W. J., and E. A. Stern (2005). Heavy Metal Contaminated Sediments of Lower Passaic River, New Jersey, USA. In: Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change: Science, Exposures, Policies, and Technologies. (eds. H. Feng, L. Yu and W. Solecki) pp. 34-43. Science Press USA Inc., Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, USA.
- Jones, K. W., van der Lelie, D., McGuigan, M., Tomov, A. J., Sedlacek III, A. J., M., Feng, H., Stern, E. A., and W. S. Douglas (2005). Coping with Contaminated Sediments and Soils in the Urban Environment. In: Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change: Science, Exposures, Policies, and Technologies. (eds. H. Feng, L. Yu and W. Solecki) pp. 283-294. Science Press USA Inc., Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, USA.
- Stern, E. A., Lodge, J., Jones, K. W., Clesceri, N. L., Feng, H., and W. S. Douglas (2003). Decontamination and Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials. In: Dredged Material Management: Options and Environmental Considerations, J. Pederson and E.E. Adams, Editors, pp. 112-116, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Jones. K. W., Feng, H., Stern, E. A., Lodge, J. L., and N. L. Clesceri (2001). Dredged Material Decontamination Demonstration for the Port of New York/New Jersey. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 85 (2001) 127-143.
- Wenning, R. J., Stern, E. A., Jones, K. W., and W. S. Douglas (2001). Focus on Sediments. The WRDA Program and Emerging Decontamination Technologies for Contaminated Sediments. Contaminated Soil, Sediment and Water, December 2001. Association for Environmental Health and Sciences, Amherst, Massachusetts. pp. 38-41.
- Lebo, J. A., Huckins, J. N., Petty, J. D., Ho, K. T., and Stern, E. A. (2000). Selective Removal of Organic Contaminants from Sediments: A Methodology for Toxicity Identifications Evaluations (TIEs). Chemosphere. 40:811-819.
- Thursby, G. B., Stern, E. A., Scott, K. J., and J. Heltshe (2000). Survey of Toxicity in Ambient Waters of the Hudson/Raritan Estuary: Importance of Small-scale Variations. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19:2678-2682.
- Jones, K. W., Stern, E. A., Donato, K. R., and N. L. Clesceri (1999). Decontamination of Dredged Material from the Port of New York and New Jersey. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Environmental Conference. October 20-23, 1998. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Jones, K. W., Stern, E. A., Clesceri, N. L., and K. R. Donato (1999). Sediment Decontamination Treatment Train: Commercial-Scale Demonstration for the Port of New York/New Jersey. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Western Dredging Association (WEDA XIX) Annual Meeting and Conference and 31st Texas A&M University Dredging Seminar. Louisville, Kentucky. May 15-20, 1999. CDS Report No.371, R.E. Randall (ed.), pp.513-31, Texas A&M university, Center For Dredging Studies, College Station, Texas. Session Chair – Environmental Commission.
- Jones, K. W., Stern, E. A., Donato, K. R., and N. L. Clesceri (1999). Decontamination of Dredged Material from the Port of New York and New Jersey. Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences 21 (4) 289-295.
- Feng, H., Jones, K. W., Newville, M., Apitz, S. E., and Stern, E. A. (1999). X-ray Adsorption Spectorscopy (XAS) Characterization of Zinc in San Diego Bay Sediments. National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report 1999. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York.
- Stern, E. A., Donato, K., Jones, K. W., and N. L. Clesceri (1998). Processing Contaminated Dredged Material from the Port of New York/New Jersey. Estuaries. Vol.21, No. 4A.
- Jones, K. W., Guadagni, A. J., Stern, E. A., Donato, K. R., and N. L. Clesceri (1998). Commercialization of Dredged Material Decontamination Technologies. Remediation, Special Issue: Innovative Remediation Technology 8:43-54.
- Jones, K. W., Stern, E. A., Donato, K. R., and N. L. Clesceri (1998). Decontamination of Dredged Material from the Port of New York/New Jersey. In: Proceedings of 5th International Petroleum Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 20-23, 1998. Kerry L. Sublette (ed.), pp.225-39, The Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1998.
- Ma, H., Jones, K. W., and Stern, E. A. (1998). Scientific Visualization and Data Modeling of Scattered Sediment Contaminant Data in New York/New Jersey Estuary. In: Proceedings of Vis98 (IEEE Visualization 1998). Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, D. Ebert, Hagen, and H. Rushmeier (eds.). October 18-23, 1998, IEEE Computer Society. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ACM Press, New York, New York. pp. 467-470.
- Stern, E. A., Donato, N. L. Clesceri, and K. W. Jones (1998). Integrated Sediment Decontamination for the New York/New Jersey Harbor. In: Proceedings of the U.S. EPA National Conference on Management and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 13-14, 1997. EPA/625/R-98/001, August 1998. pp. 71-81.
- Stern, E. A. (1998). Sediment Decontamination Program for the Port of New York and New Jersey, EPA Tech Trends Issue No.30, August 1998. pp. 1-2.
- Stern, E. A. (1998). Program Evaluates Technologies to Treat Contaminated Sediments from New York/New Jersey Harbor. EPA Contaminated Sediments News, Number 22, Summer 1998, pp.5-7.
- Stern, E. A., Jones, K. W., Donato, K. R., Pauling, J. D., Sontag, J. G, Clesceri, N. L., Mensinger, M. C., and C. L. Wilde (1998). Maintaining Access to America’s Intermodal Ports/Technologies for Decontamination of Dredged Sediments: New York/New Jersey Harbor. In: Proceedings of the Society of American Military Engineers 1998 National Conference – Renewing America Through Engineering. May 19-23, 1998. New York, New York. Technical Paper #8007.
- Jones, K. W., Stern, E. A., Donato, K., and N. L. Clesceri. (1997). Processing of New York and New Jersey Harbor Estuarine Dredged Material. In: Proceedings of Session on Dredging and Management of Dredged Material, Geo-Logan 97′ Logan, Utah, J.N. Meegoda, T.H. Wakeman III, A.K. Arulmoli, and W.J. Librizzi (eds.), July 16-19, 1999. Geotechnical Special Publication No. 65, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, New York. pp. 49-66.
- Massa, A. A., Del Vicario, M., Pabst, D., Pechko, P., Lechich, A., Stern, E. A., Dieterich, R., and B. May. (1996). Disposal of Wastes and Dredged Sediments in the New York Bight. Published with papers for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Symposium Dredged Material Disposal and Waste Management in the Nearshore Environment. Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences 18:265-285.
- Long, E. R, Wolfe, D. A., Scott, J. K., Thursby. G. B., Stern, E. A., Peven, C. and T. Schwartz. (1995). Magnitude and Extent of Sediment Toxicity in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 88. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland. p. 230.
- Krishna, C. R., Klein, R. C., Jones, K. W., Clesceri, N. L., and Stern, E. A. (1995). Human Exposure to Toxic Materials. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 62: 375-9.
- Goswami, A., Clesceri, N., Preiss, I., Stern, E. A., Jones, K. and K. Donato. (1995). Evaluation of Treatment, Disposal, and Managerial Options for Dredged Sediments from Newark Bay, Arthur Kill, and Newtown Creek of New York/New Jersey Harbor and Proposed Design. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Purdue Industrial Wastes Conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. May 8-12, 1995, Lewis Publishers.
- Stern, E. A., Olah, J., Wisemiller, B., and A. Massa. (1994). Recent Assessment and Decontamination Studies of Contaminated Sediments in the New York and New Jersey Harbor. In: Dredging ‘ 94. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Dredging and Dredged Material Placement. E. Clark McNair, Jr. (ed.) November 13-16, 1994. Lake Buena Vista, Florida. pp. 458-467.
- Tavolaro, J. F. and Stern, E. A. (1992). The Problem of Dioxin Contamination in Sediments of the Port of New York and New Jersey. In: Management of Bottom Sediments Containing Toxic Substances: Proceedings of the 14th United States/Japan Experts Meeting. T.R. Patin (ed.) February 27 – March 1, 1992, Yokohama, Japan. pp. 180-190.
- Stern, E. A. and J. F. Tavolaro. (1990). The Development of a Decision Making Framework for the Evaluation of Sediments Containing 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD). In: Coastal and Inland Water Quality, Seminar Proceedings No.22. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Committee on Water Quality – Eighth Seminar. February 6-7, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada. pp. 279-286.
- Coch, C. A. and Stern, E. A. (1987). Capping as a Management Technique for the Ocean Disposal of Dredged Material. In: Beneficial Uses of Dredged Materials: Proceedings of the North Atlantic Regional Conference. M.C. Landin (ed.) May 12-14, 1987, Baltimore, Maryland. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. pp. 158-176.
Invited International Presentations
- Stern, E. A. 5th International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM). Recognizing and Moving Beyond Myopic Sediment Management in the 21st Century. July 10-13, 2016 Montreal, Canada (Keynote Address).
- Stern, E. A. 4th International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM). Sediment Management and Challenges in the United States – A Retrospective Approach to Moving Forward. RemTech Expo. September 17-19, 2014. Ferrara, ITALY (Opening Plenary Session).
- Stern, E. A. NORDROCS 2012. Integrated Approaches to Global Sustainable Sediment Management – The Paradox of Having It All. International Conference on the 4th Nordic Joint Meeting on the Remediation of Contaminated Sites. September 19-20. Oslo, NORWAY (Keynote Speaker).
- Stern, E. A. Contaminated Sediments: Case Studies and Management. NORDROCS 2012 International Conference on the 4th Nordic Joint Meeting on the Remediation of Contaminated Sites. September 19-20, 2012. Oslo, NORWAY. (Moderator).
- Stern, E. A. Bergen Harbor, Norway Sediment Restoration. Invited presentation by the Municipality of Bergen. May 7-11, 2012. Bergen, NORWAY.
- Stern, E. A. Innovative Approaches to the Management and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments and their Application to Sustainable Systems. Presented at Ecomondo 2009: Scientific/Technical Committee Platform / Contaminated Sediments: State of the Art, Strategies for their Management and Remediation and Success Studies. October 25 – 31, 2009. Rimini, ITALY. (Keynote Speaker).
- Stern, E. A. Perspectives and Future Directions on Integrated Contaminated Sediment Management. Presented at the Workshop for Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Sponsored by Biologge. September 4-5, 2007. Sandefjord, NORWAY.
- Stern, E. A. Innovative Contaminated Sediment Decontamination Technologies and their Approach to Environmental Sustainability. International Conference on the Remediation of Polluted Sites – BOSICON 2006. Sponsored by the University of Rome – Faculty of Engineering, Italian Ministry of the Environment. February 14-15, 2006. Rome, ITALY.
- Stern, E. A. Contaminated Sediments in the USA and Innovative Technologies for their Assessment. International Summer School – Innovative Approaches to the Management and Physical & Chemical Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. University of Genoa, ITALY. Sponsored by The Interuniversity Consortium INCA, Venezia, University of Genoa, and the University of Bologna. September 8-10, 2005. Genoa,ITALY.
- Stern. E. A. Beyond a European Perspective on Sediment Management. Presented at the 3rd International Sediment Network Conference: The Future of Sediment Management in Europe, Venice International University, San Servolo Island, November 25-26, 2004. Venice, ITALY (Keynote Speaker).
- Stern, E. A. Sediment Decontamination – A New Approach to Environmental Remediation and Restoration. Presented at the 3rd Sediment Network Work Package 4 Workshop: Dredged Materials Treatment Workgroup. Guidance for Sustainable Treatment of Dredged Materials. December 1-2, 2003. Bologna, ITALY.
- Stern, E. A. Dredged Material Sediment Decontamination Demonstration for the Port of New York and New Jersey. Presented at the Workshop on Perspective Studies of Accumulation and Fate of Chemical Compounds in Sediments in the Region of Dobczyce Reservoir. Assessment of Potential Risk of Water Contamination. Sponsored by the University of Science and Technology Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Sciences and the Kosciuszko Foundation. May 29-31, 2003. Cracow, POLAND.
- Stern, E. A. Presented at the Assessment, Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments and Dredged Materials Workshop. Sponsored by Latvian EPA, EPA Region 3, Ministry of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, and the University of Latvia Institute for Marine Ecology. September 24-27, 2002. Jurmala, LATVIA.
- Stern, E. A. Regulations and Guidelines for Sediments in the U.S. Cost Performances in Successful Remedial Projects. (2) New Bedford Harbor – the World’s Largest PCB Clean-up. Strategy, Cost, and Performance. Presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Remediation of Marine Sediments. Sponsored by the Sandefjord Municipality and the Norwegian Environmental Technology AS. April 30, 2001. Sandefjord, NORWAY.
- Stern, E. A. Jones, K.W., Clesceri, N.L., Feng, H.E., Douglas, W.S., Jaffess, S.J., and L.A. Baron. Contaminated Sediments/Dredged Material Management for the Port of New York and New Jersey as a Component to Port Development and Revitalization. Presented at the International Workshop on Risk Management of Contaminated Sediments. ANPA Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Venice Port Authority. Venice International University, San Servolo Island, October 18-20, 2000. Venice, ITALY.
- Stern. E. A. Management and Beneficial Use of Contaminated Sediments in Ports and Waterways. A Focus on Sediment Decontamination. Presented at the Workshop on Management and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments. Venice Port Authority, February 3rd, 2000. Venice, ITALY.
Selected Abstracts and Presentations
- Stern, E.A., Miskewitz, R., Maher, A., Kovalik, A., Yang, D. and M. Kitazume. Stabilization and Beneficial Use of Contaminated Sediments Applying Mobile Pneumatic Flow Tube Mixing for a Circular Economy. 11th International SedNet Conference. Dubrovnik, Croatia. April 3-5, 2019 (Presentation)
- Stern, E.A., Apitz, S., Brussock, P., Fitzpatrick, A. and S. Nadeau (Moderator). Incorporating Sustainability Principles in Superfund Remediation Projects. Panel Discussion. Battelle 10th International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments. February 11-14, 2019. New Orleans, Louisiana (Panel Member).
- Stern, E.A., Lal, P., Smith, M., Singh, J. and T. Wieczerak. Sustainability Regulatory Integration and Reform for Superfund Sediment Remediation Projects: An Eco-Industrial Approach. Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center, Montclair State University. Battelle 10th International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments. February 11-14, 2019. New Orleans, Louisiana (Poster).
- Stern, E.A. Urban Sediment Management. Potential Responsible Party (PRP) Contaminated Sediment Summit. October 2, 2019. Hoboken, New Jersey (Invited Talk).
- Stern, E.A. New (old) Paradigms in Contaminated Sediment Management – The Quest for Sediment Immortality and are You OK with That? Presented at the Emerging Trends in Management of Contaminated Sediments Workshop. Sponsored by Rutgers University/Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) and RAMBOLL. November 15, 2017. Piscataway, New Jersey (Invited Talk).
- Stern, E. A., Maher, A., Miskewitz, R., Kitazume, M., Yang., and A. Kovalick. lternatives to Aquatic Placement Applying Regional Sediment Manufacturing to Innovative Stabilization for Brownfields Beneficial Use. SedNet 10th International Conference – Sediments on the Move. June 14-17, 2017. Genoa, Italy.
- Maher, A., Miskewitz, R., Janbaz, M., Kitazume, M., Douglas, S., Yang, D. and E.A. Stern. Pneumatic Flow Tube Mixing for Stabilization of Contaminated Sediments in the NY/NJ Harbor and its Application to Urban Sediment Management. Battelle 9th International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments. January 9-12, 2017. New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Dewan, R., Fabricant, R, Harclerode, M. Peck, G., Stern, E. A. and T. Taylor. Contaminated Sediment Management for the 21st Century. Montclair State University Continuing Education Program for Environmental Professionals (CEEP) Training. October 16, 2015. (Training Developer).
- Stern, E. A. Environmental Strategy for the Construct of Urban Contaminated Sediment Management for the New York/New Jersey Harbor Watershed. The Society of American Military Engineers in collaboration with the Passaic River Institute. April 22, 2015. Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey (Invited Talk).
- Isard, P., and Stern, E. A. Hydrolyser Application and Development of a Pellet Engineered Fuel for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Italy. 5th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste – Venice 2014. November 17-20, 2014. Venice, ITALY (presented).
- Stern, E. A., National Sediment Challenges/Sediment Management for Urban Rivers and What is the End Goal of a Sediment Remediation Project. Environmental Law Education Center 2103 CERCLA & MCTA Advanced Sediment Conference. May 13, 2013. Seattle, Washington. (Invited Talk/Moderator).
- Kruge, M. A., Stern, E. A., Mastalerz, M. and A. Permanyer. Highly Contaminated Sediments from the Gowanus Canal, New York Superfund Site: Beneficial Use as a Fuel Resource. Battelle 7th International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. February 4-7, 2013. Dallas, Texas.
- Stern, E. A., Beneficial Use of Decontaminated Sediments for Sustainable Landscape Design in Complex Urban Systems – The Perfect Storm. Hudson /Delaware Regional Chapter-Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. April 26-27, 2012. Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey (Keynote Speaker).
- Stern, E. A., Jones, K. W., Douglas, W. S., and H. Feng. Decontamination Technologies Promoting the Sustainable Use of Contaminated Sediments with Beneficial Use and their Applications to other Waste-related Materials. USEPA National Science Forum 2008. Innovative Technologies – Key to Environmental and Economic Progress. May 20, 2008. Washington, DC (Invited).